hawaiian monk seals habitat

However, improved survival of young seals in recent years seems to be driving the positive abundance trends. Other staffers disentangled 50 monk seal pups from fishing lines during an expedition to the islands. Fun Facts. Found inside – Page 50ISSUE 11 : HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL Comment : Since the aerial surveys ... habitat requirements , and habitat use patterns of the Hawaiian monk seal should be ... Michelle Barbieri heads up the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program at NOAA Fisheries. Implementing Targeted Conservation Strategies. In 2008, the seal was declared Hawaii’s official … Hawaiian monk seals are protected under the. In other instances, single males have aggressively attacked and lethally injured recently weaned pups at French Frigate Shoals (Lalo) and Kure Atoll (Hōlanikū). Monk seals can live to over 30 years of age, but few live that long. The Hawaiian monk seal has its main habitat in the waters surrounding atoll islands and reefs, as well as submerged banks. Since opening in 2014, The Marine Mammal Center's Ke Kai Ola facility has played a critical role in Hawaiian monk seal recovery. Measurements are obtained by animal care specialists without harm to seals, and research activities are monitored by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Learn more about our, monk seal pup protection efforts at French Frigate Shoals. Adult females are generally larger than males. to study the unique physiology and sensory biology of endangered Hawaiian monk seals by partnering Only less than 1100 seals of this species left today. Watch underwater video shot with a camera attached to a monk seal swimming in shallow coral-reef habitat. Entanglement in marine debris such as fishing nets and lines, and plastic rings are other sources of mortality. The monk seal population is expected to drop in the next 5 years. Found inside – Page 307Without international protections, opportunistic killings continued and habitat loss contributed to its eventual extinction. The Hawaiian monk seal Monachus ... Conserve Hawaiian monk seal habitat. Responding to seals that haul out to rest by setting up "seal resting areas" and using them as a platform to educate the public about monk seal biology, conservation, and responsible wildlife viewing practices, which helps to deter potential disturbance. The Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), began research on Hawaiian monk seals at most major reproductive sites Both of these seals were rescued as pups and have spent most of their life at Waikīkī Aquarium. Primary natural factors affecting monk seal recovery include predation by sharks, aggression by adult male monk seals, reduction of habitat and prey associated with environmental change. 1.1). In the water, the seals lurk in the deep water coral beds of the ocean. Because of their value to the population growth potential, many monk seal recovery efforts focus on young and reproductive females. The focus is therefore in early detection and prevention, and Hawaiian monk seals have been routinely vaccinated against morbillivirus since 2016. After reviewing the best available scientific information, NMFS announced in the 12-month finding (74 FR 27988; June 12, 2009) that the revision to critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal was warranted and that it intended to move forward with a proposed rule for critical habitat. Hawaiian monk seal . Shark predation, Responding to monk seal haul-outs and strandings. Found inside – Page 17723 , 1999 ] 8 226.201 Critical habitat for Hawaiian monk seals . HAWAIIAN MONK SEAL ( Monachus schauinslandi ) All beach areas , sand spits and islets ... The two genera of monk seals, Monachus and Neomonachus, comprise three species: the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus; the Hawaiian monk seal, Neomonachus schauinslandi; and the Caribbean monk seal, Neomonachus tropicalis, which became extinct in the 20th century. Change locations if seals show interest in your bait or catch. While the water is green from microscopic algae, please be assured that the health and well being of our resident monk seals has not been compromised. However, deaths from hookings would be higher were it not for stranding response and other interventions by NOAA Fisheries. in the northwest to Hawaiʻi Island in the southeast. Other interventions include hazing of the aggressor, translocating young seals away from areas with the aggressive males, and treating injured seals as appropriate. Hawaiian monk seal pup translocations conducted during 2012–2014 had a statistically significant positive effect on the survival of the pups. In those days, there wasn’t so much as a mosquito to bother them. The endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) hauls out and breeds in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, (NWHI, Fig. Without the efforts of NOAA Fisheries and our partners, Honey Girl, and other seals like her, would have died and the population trend would be much worse. Actions being undertaken to implement the plan: Coordination of NOAA, non-governmental organizations, and other federal, state, and local agencies to facilitate monk seal recovery. Easy-to-read text and full-color photographs depict the physical characteristics, habitat, and life cycle of seals. that participate in the three main Hawaiian Islands nearshore fisheries that may interact with monk seals: One of the primary diseases of concern to Hawaiian monk seals is, , a leading cause of seal death in the main Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian monk seal facts! Managing and mitigating human interactions to ensure natural population growth and minimize conflict. These seals are usually smaller than the other varieties of seals and have a flat head and a short snout. Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, an unusual mortality event is defined as "a stranding that is unexpected; involves a significant die-off of any marine mammal population; and demands immediate response." They like to hunt their prey hiding under the rock or sandy beach in deep waters. My other monk seal relatives are even bigger trouble—there are only 300-600 Mediterranean monk seals left, and the Caribbean monk seal went extinct in the 1970s. Learn more about our. Seals that spend a long time at sea foraging can grow algae on their fur. - It was once assumed that monk seals did not travel between the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the main Hawaiian Islands, but research now shows that in rare cases they do, and even make it down to Johnston Atoll. Over this time period, the rate of monk seal population decline has been cut in half. Undertaken by various agencies within NOAA, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other partners, marine debris removal efforts have extracted over 800 metric tons of debris in the NWHI since 1996, but accumulation rates of marine debris appear to remain constant. Over this time period, the rate of monk seal population decline has been cut in half. The Law Library presents the complete text of the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants - Critical Habitat for Hawaiian Monk Seals (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Regulation) (NOAA) (2018 Edition). The Recovery Plan contains revisions and additions in consideration of public…, NOAA Fisheries has issued regulations pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to govern the taking of marine mammals incidental to the training and testing activities conducted in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT)…, NOAA Fisheries issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (L-DEO) to incidentally take, by Level A and/or Level B harassment, marine mammals during a Marine Geophysical Survey in the…, OAA Fisheries, upon request from the U.S. Navy, issues these regulations pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act to govern the taking of marine mammals incidental to the use of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor Systems Low Frequency Active (SURTASS…, NOAA Fisheries issued regulations under the MMPA to govern the unintentional taking of marine mammals incidental to training and testing activities conducted in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT) Study Area from December 2013…, We used sighting reports to describe female breeding biology and…, In this analysis, we quantify not only the frequency of specific causes‐of…, Hawaiian monk seal pup translocations conducted during 2012–2014 had a…, Tracks the implementation of recovery actions from Endangered Species Act…, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered seal species in the world. 16. The other is the Mediterranean monk seal, and a third monk seal species, the Caribbean monk seal, is extinct. Those areas may be designated as critical habitat. Hawaiian monk seals can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes and dive more than 1,800 feet; however, they usually dive an average of 6 minutes to depths of less than 200 feet to forage at the seafloor. Species in the Spotlight: Priority Actions 2021-2025, Hawaiian Monk Seal, Species in the Spotlight: Priority Actions 2016-2020, Hawaiian Monk Seal, Storymap: Protecting Marine Species in the Pacific Islands, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, Report a Stranded or Injured Marine Animal, Learn more about our conservation efforts, 2021-2025 Priority Action Plan for Hawaiian monk seals, The Marine Mammal Center's Ke Kai Ola facility, Pacific Islands Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program, Hawaiian Monk Seal, 2021-2025 Priority Action Plan, Hawaiian Monk Seal 2016-2020 Priority Action Plan, NOAA's Species in the Spotlight Initiative, Extension to Final Rule Deadline (77 FR 37867), Revised Critical Habitat Designation, 1988 (53 FR 18988), Original Critical Habitat Designation, 1986 (51 FR 16047), Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designation for the Hawaiian Monk Seal, Revision of Critical Habitat for Hawaiian Monk Seals ESA Section 4(b)(2) Report…, Revision of Critical Habitat for Hawaiian Monk Seals Final Biological Report, Revised taxonomy and nomenclature for Hawaiian Monk Seals, Original Endangered Species Act Listing (41 FR 51611), Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Actions, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Recovery Plan for Hawaiian Monk Seal (2007), Incidental Take Authorization: U.S. Navy Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT) (2018-2025), Notice of Receipt of Application for 7-Year LOA, Notice of Receipt of Application for 5-Year LOA, Application for 7-Year Rule and LOA (pdf, 84 pages), Application for 5-Year Rule and LOA (pdf, 580 pages), Environmental Impact Statement (External Link), Notification and Reporting Plan (pdf, 4 pages), Final Biological Opinion (pdf, 683 pages), Final Biological Opinion Amended ITS 2020 (pdf, 8 pages), Incidental Take Authorization: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Marine Geophysical Survey in the North Pacific Ocean, Incidental Take Authorization: U.S. Navy Operations of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar (beginning in, Notice of Receipt of Application for Rulemaking and LOA, Amended Application November 2018 (pdf, 237 pages), Stranding Notification and Reporting Plan (pdf, 3 pages), Public Comments on Proposed Rule (pdf, 72 pages), Harbor porpoise desktop study (see Publications Section), Public Comment on Notice of Receipt (pdf, 5 pages), Incidental Take Authorization: U.S. Navy Hawaii Southern California Training and Testing (HSTT) (2013-2018), Navy Integrated Comprehensive Monitoring Program [pdf, 73 pages], Navy Strategic Planning Process for Monitoring, Hawaii Stranding Response Plan [pdf, 12 pages], California Stranding Response Plan [pdf, 12 pages], Annual Testing Report Dec 2015 to Dec 2016 [pdf, 6 pages], Marine Wildlife Viewing Guidelines for the Pacific Islands (PDF, 1 page), Natural History and Conservation of the Hawaiian Monk Seal (PDF, 2 pages), Revised Taxonomy and Nomenclature for the Hawaiian Monk Seal. is a disease caused by a parasite that enters the environment via cat feces and can be transmitted to seals via contaminated water or prey. They have a varied diet that includes octopus, lobster, and reef fish (including eels). The island also was home to critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals. In the NWHI, seals must compete for food with large populations of other apex predators, such as large jacks (carangids) and sharks. The Hawaiian hoary bat and the Hawaiian monk seal are two species of mammals found only in Hawaii. Native oysters that are raised in a hatchery can be added to local estuaries permanently to help boost their numbers where populations have severely declined. The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most critically endangered seal species in the world. It found that more than half of the deaths were caused by humans. A small population of these seals reside among the Main Hawaiian Islands—at any given time, up to 10 monk seals can be found on the Big Island, which is where Ke Kai … However, improved survival of young seals in recent years seems to be driving the positive abundance trends. He will be back with us in Fall of 2022. The majority of these seals live in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. When stranded animals are found dead, our scientists work to understand and investigate the cause of death. These events are ongoing and of serious concern. Vaccinating highly connected animals can help decrease disease risks. Less than 1,200 seals are scattered throughout the entire archipelago. Numerous organizations around the Pacific Islands are trained to receive reports and respond when necessary. Volunteers help put up signs near hauled-out monk seals to help alert the public to their presence and help prevent disturbance. Rocky became famous in 2017 when she had a pup on a busy beach in Waikiki on the island of Oʻahu. They do not target most of the locally popular gamefish species such as ulua (giant trevally), pāpio (baby ulua), and ‘ō‘io (bonefish). for their contributions to monk seal conservation and recovery. Specific areas for designation include sixteen occupied areas within the range of the…, We, NOAA Fisheries, announce the revised taxonomy of Monachus schauinslandi (Hawaiian monk seal) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). The green coloration on the monk seals is natural algae growth that is not related to the color of the water. Certain areas of coastline are more often favored by Hawaiian monk seals for hauling out. Most seals live in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), but there is a small and potentially growing population in … They generally prefer sandy, protected beaches surrounded by shallow waters for pupping. We work with volunteer networks in all coastal states to respond to marine mammal strandings including all pinnipeds. mproving survival of juvenile and adult females in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The Caribbean monk seal, a close cousin of the Hawaiian monk seal, went extinct in 1952. Hawaiian monk seals left in the world, and they are just beginning to show signs of recovery after at least 60 years of steep population decline. Our Live Exhibits staff is working with a reputable company to install a new water quality system for which we’re currently awaiting shipment of the equipment. Other activities include critical response for compromised seals (e.g., hooked, entangled, sick, and/or injured). They may live up to 30 years and reach lengths of 8 feet (2.4 m). The two genera of monk seals, Monachus and Neomonachus, comprise three species: the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus; the Hawaiian monk seal, Neomonachus schauinslandi; and the Caribbean monk seal, Neomonachus tropicalis, which became extinct in the 20th century. Monk seals spend the most time in sea waters. Monitoring health, including disease, parasitic infection, and toxin screening. To understand the health of marine mammal populations, scientists study unusual mortality events. Where They Live Most Hawaiian monk seals can be found around the Northwest Hawaiian Islands in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, but seals are also found on the main Hawaiian Islands. The monk seal population is currently declining at 4% annually and is estimated at fewer than 1,400 individuals. We use innovative science to develop targeted strategies and management efforts to recover the Hawaiian monk seal populations. Simply make a “thumbs-up” gesture and extend your arm out straight in front of you, with your thumb parallel to the ground. Feb 23, 2017 - One of two mammals indigenous to Hawaii, the Hawaiian Monk Seal earned its moniker because of its appearance and behavior. Found inside – Page 36Before preparing the DEIS , NMFS assessed the monk seal's habitat requirements and worked closely with the State of Hawaii to develop habitat alternatives . Here are some tips to prevent injuries to monk seals: Reuse or share your leftover bait—don’t feed seals. The Pacific Islands Marine Mammal Response Network responds to strandings and haul-outs of all marine mammals, including monk seals. Most Hawaiian Monk Seals are found in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands but some can be found around the main Hawaiian Islands. Found inside – Page 4-121Environmentally Sensitive Habitat The small wetland on the island , critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal , which is not located on Sand Island ... Both are active in the morning and evening, but the rest of the day may be spent lounging on Hawaii’s beaches. Due to the immense distance separating the Hawaiian Islands from other land masses capable of supporting the Hawaiian monk … Endangered Hawaiian monk seal RK96 and her pup Lōliʻi rest near a rock wall at Kaimana Beach in Waikīkī. Found inside – Page 12Habitat Use Study In October and November , eight molted adult males were instrumented with video cameras for 2 to 18 d . The seals were instrumented as ... However, deaths from hookings would be higher were it not for. Habitat. Promising advances in juvenile seal survival enhancement research. Endemic to the Hawaiian archipelago and found mostly in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, although sightings reported from main Hawaiian Islands are increasing. Researchers categorized the causes of seal deaths since 1992 to determine which are most harmful to the recovery of this endangered population. The Hawaiian monk seal is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands archipelago and Johnston Atoll, meaning they are native and exist nowhere else on Earth. are chronic forms of pollution affecting monk seal habitat, particularly in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Investigate and develop response to biotoxin impacts. Hawaiian monk seals are native to the 10 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, also called the Leeward Islands, and surrounding ocean waters. Hawaiian monk seal Diet. Human impacts (e.g., fishery interactions, disturbance, intentional killing), We, NOAA Fisheries, issue a final rule to revise the critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. Tracks the implementation of recovery actions from Endangered Species Act (ESA) recovery plans. Critical habitat was designated for the monk seal on the Northwest Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) in 1986, and critical habitat boundaries were revised in 1988. Found inside – Page 121August 1990 Hawaiian Monk Seal The Hawaiian monk seal is found ... Monk seal habitat includes sandy beaches , hard bench areas and exposed reefs . The most common parturition sites are on sandy beaches with exposed protective reefs, which limit shark access and provide shelter from … Found inside – Page 71National Marine Sanctuary The first Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Team , appointed in ... ( 2 ) characterize seal habitat ; ( 3 ) assess monk seal populations ... This program works together with outside collaborators on five key research and conservation initiatives designed to address the recovery strategies outlined in the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan. Most pups are born around April and May and weigh up to 35 pounds (16 kg). These studies support conservation efforts for wild monk seals by providing relevant biological data from non-releasable male monk seals trained to cooperate in scientific sampling. It is the state bird of Hawaii. Disease, Hawaiian monk seal has a lifesp an of 25 to 30 years. Pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the NationalMarine Fisheries Service(NMFS) released the “Proposed Hawaiian monk seals breed and haul-out on sand, corals, and volcanic rock; sandy beaches are more commonly used for pupping. Found inside – Page 3-51Critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal is shown in Figure 3.3-1 . The Coast Guard does not have any current Deepwater facilities within monk seal ... Understandably, then, this fabulous creature inhabits a very specific, and in some ways limited, portion of the oceans of the world. , focusing on the overarching recovery strategies listed above. Humans brought those later, too. Ensuring natural population growth and reducing human-seal interactions. Only 1 in 5 monk seal pups now survives its first year of life, and the population is declining by about 4 percent per year. In 2012, she was found extremely emaciated with hook-and-line entanglement damage so extensive that NOAA Fisheries needed to intervene. The Hawaiian monk seal is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands archipelago and Johnston Atoll, meaning they are native and exist nowhere else on Earth. NOAA Fisheries is committed to implementing the Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan, focusing on the overarching recovery strategies listed above. They have been listed as endangered under the ESA since 1976. with Hawaiian zoological facilities. Hawaiian monk seals are known to native Hawaiians as ʻIlio-holo-i-ka-uaua which means "dog that runs in rough water". The gestation period is 10-11 months. Individual seals often frequent the same beaches over and over, but they do not defend territories. designation of critical habitat for the Hawaiian monk seal. Monitoring population trends and evaluating threats. Photo: NOAA Fisheries. The critically endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is one of hundreds of marine species that can be found cruising the waters of Papahānaumokuākea, a chain of islands northwest of the main Hawaiian archipelago.Despite living in protected habitat, Hawaiian monk seals frequently become entangled in fishermen's nets, threatening their survival. Most seals prefer frigid water. Vaccinating wild Hawaiian monk seals against morbillivirus. Disentangling seals and removal of marine debris from beaches and marine habitat. Learn more about our monk seal pup protection efforts at French Frigate Shoals (Lalo). Our Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program leads these efforts. Continue population monitoring and research. Although the cause often remains unknown, scientists can sometimes attribute strandings to disease, harmful algal blooms, vessel strikes, fishing gear entanglements, pollution exposure, and underwater noise. . We developed a Species in the Spotlight 2021-2025 Priority Action Plan for Hawaiian monk seals that builds on the 2007 Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Plan and the 2016-2020 Priority Action Plan and details the focused efforts that are needed over the next five years. Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered marine species in the world. To understand the health of marine mammal populations, scientists study unusual mortality events. The population is estimated to be around 1,400 seals—about 1,100 seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and 300 seals in the main Hawaiian Islands. Scientific name of the creature is Neomonachus schauinslandi. Although this decline means that a full recovery of the species is a long way off, there have been some relatively recent, encouraging developments, including: The decline that occurred in the NWHI has been attributed to a number of factors at various regions and time periods. Additional studies include quantifying the level and types of direct and indirect interactions with fisheries and determining ways to mitigate them to the benefit of both seals and fishermen. Hawaiian monk seals breed and haul-out on sand, corals, and volcanic rock; sandy beaches are more commonly used for pupping. This map shows a broad spread of the islands … KP2 previously spent several years at Long Marine Laboratory participating in cooperative including hiring additional staff, equipment, tools, and consumables to fully implement recovery initiatives. NOAA Fisheries uses innovative science to explore monk seal biology and interactions with humans and the environment, and apply the best available science to guide our management and recovery plans for monk seals. Because Hawaiian monk seals do not have antibodies to morbilliviruses or West Nile Virus, their introduction could have a substantial effect on the population. Reduce the likelihood of human disturbance. However, low juvenile survival, likely related to inadequate prey availability, had been the primary driver of the decline during the past 25 years. Only 1,400 Hawaiian monk seals survive in the wild. The Mediterranean monk seal is also critically endangered with only about 500 individuals left in the wild. HABITAT: Monk seals spend two-thirds of their time at sea in waters surrounding atolls, islands, and areas farther offshore on reefs and submerged banks. The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi ) is thought to be a foraging generalist, preying on numerous species in diverse habitats of the subtropical Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.At the atoll of French Frigate Shoals, recent evidence of emaciation and low survival in monk seals prompted a search for their specific prey communities and foraging habitat. Sandy beaches are used for parturition, nursing, molting, and resting. Provide the following information: Descriptive location—including island, beach name, and GPS coordinates (if available). The Hawaiian monk seal is the only seal native to Hawaii, and, along with the Hawaiian hoary bat, is one of only two mammals endemic to the islands. This study, conducted by NOAA scientists and colleagues, summarized the causes of monk seal deaths in the main Hawaiian Islands from 1992 to 2019 (114 seals). Since 1990, fishery management measures have eliminated interactions with monk seals in U.S.-managed commercial fisheries in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. When observing resting monk seals. Introduces the anatomy, behavior, and life cycle of the two species of monk seal, and discusses pinnipeds, the reasons they are endangered, and conservation efforts. For more information or to apply to be a volunteer, contact your island's Marine Mammal Response Coordinator. NOAA Fisheries partners with the Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources' Division of Aquatic Resources to increase fishermen's awareness and promote seal-friendly fishing practices through a joint effort called the Barbless Circle Hook Project. Monk seals are from a completely different group to the fur seals and sea lions that live in Australian waters today. Marine Debris Research and Removal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The Waikīkī Aquarium houses two male Hawaiian monk seals, Maka onaona and Ho‘ailona. In 2014, NOAA Fisheries received a new ESA-MMPA permit to implement these new and expanded recovery actions. We hope to have this in place soon and apologize for any inconvenience. Hawaiian monk seals have been known to dive to depths of 500 meters (1,667 feet) or more, but most of their diving is probably much shallower. Reduction of mortality factors, including shark predation, male aggression, and risk of exposure to infectious diseases. Reduce male aggression toward pups/immature seals and adult females. Conservation Translocations of Hawaiian Monk Seals: Accounting for Variability in Body Condition Improves Evaluation of Translocation Efficacy. identified the Hawaiian monk seal as one of eight marine species likely to go extinct in the near future without targeted conservation efforts. Entanglement, The population is finally growing at an average rate of about 2 percent per year since 2013. If you're in the ocean, cautiously exit the water. But interactions in nearshore recreational and subsistence fisheries have occurred in the main Hawaiian Islands.
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