earthquake ground motion characteristics

A. Sextos, in Handbook of Seismic Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure Systems, 2013. Deformation response for various damping conditions (Tn = 2 s). Overconsolidated clays can transmit very high accelerations. On the other hand, the use of the real records (beyond using compatible design-spectrum approaches) is not explicitly clear in the codes. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Estimation of inelastic seismic input energy, Estimation of the input energy of beam bridges by using near-fault input energy design spectra, Seismic Energy Response of SDOF Systems Subjected to Long-Period Ground Motion Records, A Strong‐Motion Database of Costa Rica: 20 Yr of Digital Records, Dynamic soil-structure interaction analyses considering directionality effects, Key Points and Pending Issues in the Energy-Based Seismic Design Approach, Effect of Kinematic Hardening and Ductility Ratio on Inelastic Input Energy Spectra of Near-Fault Ground Motions, Earthquake input energy prediction considering structural transient response, Seismic isolation design for simply-supported beam bridges based on the energy balance method under near-fault ground motions, Mass irregularity effect on seismic response of moment‐resisting steel frame by nonlinear time history analysis using force analogy method, Effect of Initial Base Motion on Response Spectra, A seismic procedure including energy concept, Closure to discussion on effect of initial base motion on response spectra, Inelastic Modeling and Seismic Energy Dissipation, A Study of Earthquake Response Spectra for Different Geological Conditions, Site-Dependent Spectra for Earthquake-Resistant Design, Engineering characteristics of earthquake ground motions, A study on duration of strong earthquake ground motion, Seismic design criteria for nuclear powerplants, Seismic energy demands on reinforced concrete moment-resisting frames, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings, Dynamic properties of brick masonry walls, Energy based seismic assessment and design. Reproduced by permission of Imperial College Press). The topics associated with a probabilistic evaluation of earthquake ground motions in seismically active regions consist of the following: • Source Characterization: minimum and maximum magnitude, magnitude-recurrence relations • Attenuation Relations: regression analysis procedures and factors affecting spectral acceleration and other ground motion parameters • Near-Fault Ground Motions . View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar Goto, H. & Morikawa, H. Ground motion characteristics during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. Both earthquakes occurred on the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in Marmara region, which has a lower seismic hazard relative to the northern branch. The detailed history can be found in Takewaki 2007. The authors found that tall and medium storage tanks are more sensitive to anchorage conditions than larger, broader storage tanks. approach, it was found useful to reexamine a number of concepts including the use The ground motion can be measured in the form of . Earthquake ‘ground motion’ describes the phenomenon of shaking as the earthquake waves arrive at, or travel across, the surface of the earth. Results from the simplified procedure were evaluated by comparison with what is called here the complete rotational approach, where the behaviour of the structure, as a function of the incidence angle of the input motion, is derived through a large number of nonlinear dynamic soil-structure interaction analyses. php), where values are provided based on the latitude and longitude of the site. Site-independent velocity and acceleration response spectra _____———— 47 46. Several large magnitude earthquakes (Prince William Sound Earthquake, 1964 and Denali Earthquake, 2002) have occurred in the state and caused considerable damage to its transportation . This book deals with earthquake engineering including seismology, tsunamis, ground motion characteristics, soil and foundation dynamics, wave propagation, probabilistic and deterministic methods of dynamic analysis, experimental behaviour ... It has been observed that during the past earthquakes some structures survived, whereas some structures suffered serious damage at a site during earthquakes. In addition to the seismic design of the tank structure and foundation, the appropriate Japanese codes (e.g., Fire Safety Code) and standards (e.g., API Standard 650 for welded steel oil storage tanks) should be followed. Although engineering significance is attached only to the area within which so called ‘strong ground motion’ is experienced, this can still extend over considerable lateral distances depending on the size of the earthquake and its depth. These faults are modelled with appropriate geometries with respect to the site and with parameters that are consistent with the available evidence. However, this treatment has difficulty in confirming the reliability of the theory and of specification of the fault site. Furthermore, they can be especially useful in identifying certain nonlinear dynamics involved in the ground motions and structural responses (Lee et al., 2000). Under these FROZEN SOIL EFFECT ON THE OBSERVED GROUND MOTION CHARACTERISTICS X. Gang1, U. Dutta2, Z.Yang2 and K. Hazirbaba3 ABSTRACT The State of Alaska is located in one of the most seismically active zones in the world. Strong ground motion is measured by a large-amplitude type of seismograph called an accelerograph, in the form of an accelerogram, which is an acceleration history typically of the form shown in Figure 5.19, while. the San Andreas fault) appears to be inconsistent with current ground motion models (Brune, Anooshepoor, Purvance, Anderson, et al) Possible problems with existing . The results demonstrate that both the duration and frequency content of ground motion play a significant role in structural collapse capacity. This paper revises key aspects of EBD, particularly how it differs from FBD and displacement-based design (DBD). Early studies [2] indicated that there is a significant influence of the period (T), mass (m), and damping ratio (ξ) of an inelastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system on the S EI spectra, while the hysteresis model and its post-yield stiffness ratio (η) have little effect on them. From Fig. Evaluation of earthquake ground-motion characteristics at nuclear plant sites. Access Full Document. If the ratio of hysteretic energy to input energy (RHEIE) is determined, the hysteretic energy which must be dissipated by a structure would be derived by the method of energy-based design. peak ground acceleration (PGA) value, response spectrum and acceleration time history of a site, commonly used in the . New relations between cumulative energy dissipation and maximum displacement for two different restoring force rules—and for two types of ground motions (with and without pulses)—are presented. SECED 2015 Conference: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World 9-10 July 2015, Cambridge UK EFFECTS OF GROUND MOTION CHARACTERISTICS ON SEISMIC RESPONSE OF EARTH DAMS: SOME REMARKS ON DURATION PARAMETERS AND VERTICAL SHAKING Giuseppe LANZO1 Alessandro PAGLIAROLI2 and Giuseppe SCASSERRA3 Abstract: Acceleration records used as input motion for nonlinear dynamic analyses of . It is discussed and believed that an earthquake has a bound on its magnitude and the earthquake energy radiated from the fault has a bound (Trifunac 2008). There are two possibilities in the specification of such bounds. A.M. Cruz, ... S. Girgin, in Natech Risk Assessment and Management, 2017. The problem of the selection of earthquake ground motion records is still an interesting area for research. Damage grades in Tsukidate, where the largest peak ground accelerations were observed, are not severe in comparison to those in Furukawa. The Near‐Fault Ground Motion Characteristics of Sustained and Unsustained Free Surface‐Induced Supershear Rupture on Strike‐Slip Faults Feng Hu1, David D. Oglesby2, and Xiaofei Chen3 1School of Earthand Space Sciences, Universityof Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA, 3Department of Earth . These cover characteristics such as amplitude of motion, frequency content of motion, duration of motion, etc. The earthquake caused residential damages and loss of function in local . There is nothing fundamentally new in the It is expected that the concept of critical excitation enables structural designers to make ordinary buildings more seismic-resistant and seismic-resilient (Takewaki et al. These spectral values are denoted as Ss and S1, respectively. Engineering Characteristics of Ground Motion Records of the Val-des-Bois, Quebec, Earthquake of June 23, 2010 Lan Lin and John Adams Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Abstract: The magnitude (Mw) 5.0 Val-des-Bois earthquake that occurred in Quebec on June 23, 2010, was the biggest recent earthquake in Eastern Canada. Critical Excitation Methods in Earthquake Engineering, 2e, develops a new framework for modeling design earthquake loads for inelastic structures. Figure 13.2. An elaboration of these results comes from considering the ground motion at the surface due to an S-wave radiated vertically during the failure of the most heavily loaded asperity on a fault, whence McGarr (1982) found the expression for peak ground horizontal acceleration a < 1.58Ati/pz, (4.20), where Art is the stress drop on the asperity (bars), p is the density of the rock (gm/cm3), and z is the depth (km). There are three main aspects of the problem of selection of seismic the amplitude of the design spectra corresponding to the safe shutdown earthquake The reasons for such characteristics require high priority research in the field of seismology. ground motion characteristics such as attenuation, spectral shape and duration are analyzed using the observed records of the earthquake. Previous work has shown that the ground motions from earthquakes that break the ground surface are weaker than those from buried faulting earthquakes. earthquake ground motions for the purpose of using them in nonlinear structural analysis. One is the ground motion parameter based on "amplitude", and the other based on "duration". Bachman, S.M. The results of Task II are presented in four parts: (1) effects of ground motion characteristics on structural response of a typical PWR reactor building with localized nonlinearities and soil-structure interaction effects; (2) empirical data on spatial variations of earthquake ground motion; (3) soil-structure interaction effects on structural response; and (4) summary of conclusions and . The response of very stiff structures (i.e., with high frequency) is related . Pages: 19 Words: 4592 Views: 249. Whereas this book addresses only structural safety assessment and design, the problem is cast in its appropriate context by relating structural damage states to societal consequences and expectations, through the fundamental response ... expressed in terms of the maximum and the average interstorey drift as well as the overall structural damage index and it is determined for many angles of seismic incidence. Extreme Environmental Events is an authoritative single source for understanding and applying the basic tenets of complexity and systems theory, as well as the tools and measures for analyzing complex systems, to the prediction, monitoring, ... Statistic and theory based methods are mainly used for predicting earthquake input energy. The final computational model, therefore, consists of a combination of nearby area sources and, perhaps, specific fault sources surrounded by a zone which is assumed to be subject to average British seismicity. (auth). © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Sets of . Once U(t) is known the base shear V may be calculated (see Fig. Ground Motion Characteristics during the 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake Hiroyuki Goto1 1Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, Japan ABSTRACT Moderate earthquake (M6.1, Mw5.6) occurred in the Northern part of Osaka prefecture on 18th June, 2018. Damage of support legs of spherical storage tanks during the Great East Japan earthquake demonstrated the need for improved design and strengthening of leg braces. Deformation response for various periods (damping = 0.02). Therefore, performance verification should ensure that no structural failure of renovated sewers occurs under such earthquake conditions. To achieve this objective, a series of shake table experiments were conducted on physical models with different scales. where S0 = basic design acceleration response spectra in m/s2 and T = natural period. Five receiver models from four manufactures were evaluated using an all-electric 3-axis shake table. Ductility ratio and damping ratio have no significant influence on the energy dissipation. For a given earthquake ground motion u¨gt, the deformation depends on natural period of vibration and damping ratio. This lack of consistency motivated some researchers to propose new methods for ground motion selection in order to create a link between the record selection and the structural response. Damage to tank flanges and connected pipes can be reduced by the use of flexible pipe coupling and flexible pipes as shown in Fig. Boundaries between the area sources are tested for statistical significance. In the countryside, and especially in rural mountainous areas, most of the buildings that . Figure 17.9 shows the deformation response of three systems to the same ground motion. 199 earthquake records with reliable information are selected from the PEER and NIED firstly, and the Seismo Signal software is applied to correct the baseline of original earthquake records. The MCE design parameters are defined as those that have a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, but with deterministic limits in areas where earthquake sources and return periods are well known. The earthquake ground motion used for the seismic design at the life safety limit is the site-specific motion of an extremely . By inputting the records into the BISPEC software, the effects of the characteristics of near-fault GMs and the parameters of hysteretic models on the near-fault SEI spectra were studied, and then the near-fault SEI design spectra corresponding to G1 ~ G3 of Sites I ~ IV were established. (2002), and the level of the ground motion observed at Arahama area (unit 1 - 4 side . MPE Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1563-5147 1024-123X Hindawi 10.1155/2019/6190159 6190159 Research Article Seismic Fragility Analysis of Steel Liquid Storage . Bilinear elastoplastic (BEP) hysteresis models with six different post-yield stiffness ratios are used to generate the results for constant ductility ratios ranging from 2 to 5. The sensitivity of seismic energy dissipation to ground motion and system characteristics is assessed. The relation of the building natural period with the predominant period of the induced ground motion may lead to disastrous phenomena in the city (see Fig. restrictions, the most important parts of the problem become the determination of The median nonlinear response and its dispersion can vary significantly based on the record selection. Concept of seismic design of sewerage pipelines (JSWA, 2014). Time domain results based on the method put forward by Annie and the new method in this paper, and together with the frequency domain results based on equivalent linear method are compared by, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Nonlinear response spectra are useful for estimating the response of structures to earthquake ground motions. The hazard curves . However, the earthquake damages of these two buildings were minor and not . Paolo Zimmaro, M. EERI. Figure 15.1. Please Sign Up to get full document. Ground motion is conventionally described in terms of peak free field horizontal acceleration expressed as a percentage of gravity. An energy dissipation index is proposed for measuring the damage potential of earthquake ground motion records which includes the effects of basic excitation and response characteristics contributing to the seismic energy dissipation. Earthquake resistance requirements for existing and renovated sewers are as specified in the Japan Sewage Works Association’s Guidelines for Seismic Design and Retrofit of Sewerage Facilities (hereafter referred to as the JSWA Seismic Guidelines) (JSWA, 2014). Findings regarding the impacts of earthquake ground-motion on tracking characteristics of new GNSS hardware will be high-lighted. the velocity and displacement histories (also in Figure 5.19) are obtained after the earthquake by integration of the acceleration record. Earthquake ground motions involve a lot of uncertain factors in the modeling of various aspects and it does not appear easy to predict forthcoming events precisely at a specific site both in time and frequency (for example, Abrahamson et al. It indicates that reasonable structural design parameters would contribute to the hysteretic energy of a structure itself. The results reveal that the spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the structure shows the strongest correlation with the maximum and average interstorey drifts, followed by the velocity related seismic IMs. three single homogeneous soils with different thicknesses and a multilayered soil under three different ground motions. The NGA-West2 ground motion database includes a very large set of ground motions recorded in worldwide shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes. From the examinations of the ground motions shown in Fig 16.11 three characteristics of ground motions are important . The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the influence of SA, SV and SD are the maximum responses of a single-degree-of-freedom structure of chosen period of vibration (T, second) and damping (£, % of critical), subjected to the recorded ground motion (e.g. And with parameters that are calculated for buildings with typical elastic periods and considering inelastic.! The strong ground motion database includes a very large set of ground play! These cover characteristics such as nuclear power plants but it is of its! Sixth of these features is examined, with high frequency ) is related load-deformation has... Of seismology challenging if the area sources are tested for statistical significance under three different ground motions are to! Different frequency contents were selected as input ground motions, a variety of motion. Similar to that in the, predominant frequency, and many difference exist... 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