wvssac softball pitching rules

Call the batter back to the plate and re-announce the count. When the runner was not tagged he called her safe. RealTime Fantasy Sports - Fantasy Football, Fantasy Baseball, Fantasy Basketball, Best Ball, plus One Day Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) games. Question 15:  We may have an allegedly (with no proof), fan/parent calling plays and possibly pitches from the bleachers- is this a rule violation? In the third and final game of the day, the Huskies had to rally from a 5-2 deficit in the seventh inning. This rule must not be in beer-league-type softball. 2 0 obj This device does not meet the spirit and intent of this rule. Question 6:  Where can I find a list of legal and illegal bats? Question 3:  We have only 8 girls on our junior varsity team. 6-1-1: Prior to starting the delivery (pitch), the pitcher shall take a position with the pivot foot in contact with the pitcher's plate. Here is the situation. In this play the ball is live. Answer:  Legal. As she is walking to the plate the defensive coach requests time and informs the plate umpire that she wants to intentionally walk B7. The umpire was correct in his ruling regarding the second re-entry. Only school logos, reward or commemorative stickers are allowed beyond the NFHS requirement (Rule 1-6-1 and 1-7-1).”. The umpire should accompany the coach to check on the injured player and make sure that coaching does not take place. WVSSAC unveils new winter sports guidelines. Question 6:  If a pitcher is wearing a mouth guard, when she removes it would she be required to wipe her fingers prior to touching the ball, the same as licking her fingers? Note: It is good practice in (b) to delay slightly when a player requests an intentionally walk to ensure the defensive coach is in agreement prior to awarding the intentional walk. The play or fake throw creates unregulated situation where anything can happen. Answer:  In both (a) and (b), the proper mechanic for an umpire any time a defensive coach or player wishes to intentionally walk a player is once he/she ensures all playing action is completed, signal and call time. … Answer:  Please refer to the WIAA Softball Season Regulations, page 29:  National Federation Allowed Adaptations, letter f.  “The International Tie-breaker may be used, with prior agreement/announcement; for all regular season games......” and letter h. “The number of innings for one or both games in a doubleheader may be scheduled for five innings.”. A batter-runner who does not run in the running lane is liable to be called out if she interferes with a throw. Would the second runner be out for going out of the baseline? 2018-2021 – Softball Rule … NFHS Baseball Exam - Part I Test Closed. My understanding of the rule was that when the runner at third made the fake towards the plate she committed to go because the ball was already in the circle. (3-4-1a;m 3-3-6g) Situation H.  Flex enters game as a runner. Thurwachter  Left Field  (7)         (7)  No change, 4. A student may not participate in more than 26 games, but a student who participates at multiple levels on the same day playing in one inning of a varsity game or three innings of a subvarsity game does not count toward the maximum number of games. A. Some laws are only applicable to school-sponsored athletics or to activities taking […] Wherever “FAST PITCH ONLY (FP ONLY)” appears in the Official Rules, the same rules apply to Modified Pitch with the exception of the pitching rule. Nelson            Right Fielder (9)      (5)  Moved defensively to Third Base, 9. The hit was a slow roller to SS. My interpretation is to reinstate the rule once no play is obvious, i.e. Tournament Hotel Information. If would be permissible to play the varsity game first and then play the subvarsity, hoping to get 7 innings in but if called due to darkness the game would not be required to be completed. Softball, Softball umpire. How is call different if she has not yet stepped on the pitching plate? The plate umpire did not rule a ground rule double, but allowed the runner to score. 3. Legal? I waited to after the 1/2 inning and addressed the issue with the home plate umpire who then wanted me to share my concern with the base umpire, which I did. When I came out to ask, the base umpire believed it should be a ground rule double, stating that the temporary outfield fence line is extended. Updated 06/02/2021 1 | P a g e ARCHIVED DOCUMENT As of June 30th, this document is no longer in force.It may be used as guidance. After you bring your hands together after taking the signal, they need to pause for at least one second. The coach argued that the base runner should have been able to stay at second base. Is this legal? Question 9:  When the pitcher touches their mouth then the ball, the rule book says the call an "immediate illegal pitch". When the runner was awarded first base it was called obstruction. Found inside – Page 1120... Web : judiciary.senate.gov Rules & Administration Committee 305 Russell Bldg Washington ... Slo - Pitch Softball Assn & Hall of Fame 3935 S Crater Rd .. The book is colorful, engaging, compact, and user-friendly. Answer:  Please refer to Rule 6-5-1; "The pitcher has a choice of balls at the start of each half inning unless both balls do not get put into play. Is blood time, (wrestling term) not in consideration for a substitution or does it count as a regular substitution? Case Book 3.3.6 Situations A-J. Question 5:  We are hosting a "pink" event. However, I want to start the game from the first pitch with the DP in the defensive position that I am listing the FLEX player in. After B4 is awarded first base, but before a pitch is thrown to B5, the defensive coach again approaches the plate umpire and appeals that B3 missed first base. In both situations, eye black is not being worn as the manufacturer intended, and coaches should monitor the use of eye black by their players. While it is hard to imagine a line drive low enough to the ground that it hits a runner can be caught by the right fielder, if, in the umpire's judgment the right fielder had that chance, then you would invoke Rule 8-6-11. When a delayed dead ball is called the batter is awarded a ball and base runners are awarded one base without liability to be put out. Answer:  Rule 3-3-4:  A substitute or courtesy runner shall not enter the contest unreported, (3-6-7 Penalty, 8-9-7). Answer:  Rule 8-7-3; “Once the runner stops at a base for any reason, she will be declared out if she leaves the base" covers this situation. Now what? Since she went to home I did not call her out. The runner at third can also leave the bag prior to pitcher catching the throw in the circle. Answer:  Please access the main WIAA website. The umpires said that the runner did not get second base on the illegal pitch, although they did call a ball on the batter. Found inside – Page 51United States Slo-pitch Softball Association ... MO June 20 , 1984 Nick D'Angelo , County Line , Beckley , WV July 7 , 1984 Danny Roark , Bethel Baptist ... Third, the courtesy runner is running for the player who is the pitcher or catcher. WVSSAC releases rule changes, requirements, recommendations for 2020 football season. Question 28:  During the game a coach has to remove a player due to concussion like symptoms. ... WVSSAC rules … With the ball in flight the right fielder has a chance to catch a fly ball for an out, how I read 8.6.11, that should be a dead ball and an out by interference even though the ball got by f3 and f4. Answer:  Athletes may practice with non-school teams during their high school season. If this had involved an “Illegal Substitute," Rule 2-57, “An Illegal substitute is a player who enters or re-enters the game without eligibility to do so (illegal re-entry); a player who re-enters the game in the wrong position in the batting order; the FLEX who enters the game as a batter or runner in a different position in the batting order that the DP; or a player who violates the courtesy runner rule.”  Then, if on offense the player is restricted to bench and called out, play is nullified, but outs stand (3-4-2 PENALTY). The batter has two balls two strikes, the pitch is made, the batter swings strike three, but the ball gets away from the catcher, the batter stands there, the runner that's on third crosses home plate on the passed ball and the batter takes off to first and gets thrown out. Question 3:  Is it legal for a player to wear her wristband/playcard attached to the belt loop of her softball pants? The only other option is the possibility of using a time limit as per the WIAA Softball Season Regulations. 2 of the Senior High Handbook; "The right of a school administrator to protest shall include decisions of game officials, related to errors in application of game rules, but protests a) will not be allowed in Association tournament competition as pertaining to decisions of game officials, b) must be called to the attention of the Association office no later than the following day (not including Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays), c) cannot be honored if they involve judgment situations, d) will not result in replaying or repeating any game, meet match, event, or race or any portion of any game, meet match, event, or race and e) cannot supersede or bypass procedures for questioning officials outlined in the official rule book of a sport.". The only way to pull this off is to have JV and varsity not play at the same time. Totaled 144 kills, 53 digs and 52 assists…Notched a .277 hitting percentage…Reached double digits in kills six times…Recorded a double-double with a season-high 22 assists and 13 kills at Georgian Court … Please communicate and use caution. 5. I would advise that if a team has made contact that they have been delayed, no forfeit should be awarded. The next inning the pitcher continued as before. 8, 9, 10)  For coaches who violate, depending on the severity of the act, the umpire may issue a warning, restrict the offender to bench/dugout for the remainder of the game or eject the offender. Art. Details: OSSAA.com. The DP/pitcher must face at least one batter (one pitch) in bottom of first. According to that lineup card Player A-3 is due to bat now but she’s standing safe at third. In these cases the runner can be tagged out (if off her base) or put out by touching the base she left early. Please comment. "Illegal offensive players may be discovered: a. Rule 2-30 states; "Infield fly rule is, when declared by the umpire, a fair fly that can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort..."  This gives the umpires the ability to determine whether, in their opinion, the fly ball should be called an infield fly or not. Question 10:  I was umpiring a game last night in XYZ and the pitcher came out to pitch the second game wearing an orange hooded sweatshirt, which had a legal size number on the back. Are you familiar with your league's bat rules? Here’s what you need to know about the new NOSCAE Catcher’s Gear requirement for high school and college ball. Fast Pitch Study with Voice Over. All coaches and all coaching must be from the dugout or the coach’s boxes when the team is on offense. Financial Resource Management, 3rd Edition, has been written with the needs of the sport, tourism, and leisure service manager in mind. First, as described above, the DP can enter defensively and pitch. The only thing I can find is in the definition of a fly ball which says it “must be an appreciable height above the ground.”. Once B7 was intentionally walked, there can be no appeal of an infraction that occurred prior to the intentional walk  The defense could no longer appeal B5 missing first base, but they can still appeal B7 batting out of order until a pitch (legal or illegal) or an intentional walk has been awarded to the next batter. It does not remove the possibility of an appeal that a runner failed to retouch a base after the fly ball is caught or left her base early. The illegal substitute shall be removed from the game and restricted to the dugout/bench. A fly ball of moderate height is hit to the second base side of the second baseman and deep enough that the second baseman turns her back to home plate, turns toward the outfield and runs to catch the ball. Question 12:  Could you please clarify an infield fly ruling? In the line-up, I list P1 as the Flex and P2 as the DP. I understand the movement or attempt if it’s made but my runners are taught not to do that as they will probably steal on the next pitch anyway. (WVVA) - The WVSSAC has issued modifications to certain rules and procedures for the 2020 fall sports seasons. Thereafter, the ball in play should be returned to the 16 foot circle after every half inning." The plate umpire said it was a live ball and the HR stood. WVSSAC 2020-21 Season Intro. Umpires called the batter out. Found inside – Page 1137Berkeley Springs WV 25411 304-258-2500 258-3500 594-4 TF Mktg ... US Slo - Pitch Softball Assn & Hall of Fame 3935 S Crater Rd . Petersburg VA 23805 ... Question 16:  I’m a coach. If so, the scorekeeper/coach would need to move to the dugout. Strike or HBP? I understand fully that they are in no shape or form allowed to play in any scrimmages or games during that time. Please see the NFHS Situation below: Rule 1.8.6 ART. The baserunner attempts to steal 3rd base. The umpire then told me between innings it’s only the 2nd time in 15 years he ever made that call. As long as the pitcher pauses long enough when looking at the catcher to simulate taking the signal, there has been no violation of the pitching rule. Answer:  Legal. Answer:  Prior to the start of the suspended game, coach notifies the umpires that there will be 2 names added to the original roster. Softball Field Dimensions Field Type Radius Tons Trucks ASA Adult Slowpitch Skinned 65’ 200 8 USSSA Men’s Skinned 65’ 200 8 Adult Slowpitch USSSA Women’s Skinned 65’ 200 8 Adult Slowpitch Men’s Adult Fastpitch Skinned 60’ 200 8 Female College Fastpitch Skinned 60’ 175 7 Answer:  From the NFHS staff: “Yes, Gorilla Grip is legal and should remain in the back pocket or on the pitcher's person. No one was sure what the ruling should be, coaches agreed to wait and see what officially has to be done. Answer:  No, NFHS Rule 3-6-6, Bench and Field Conduct. Found inside – Page 392Office : US Dist a PO Box 2856 Clarksburg WV 26301 in surg . pathology ... Home : 1795 Pitch Pine Ave Jacksonville FL 32223 Office : Gulf Life Ins Co 1301 ... Correct? Personally, I don't see how this possibly could have been called. To me, it doesn't seem right that a ball hit fair to CF can be stopped by a fence, but a fair ball down a baseline could roll forever. RULES AND LEGAL INFORMATION. The rest of the team was wearing regular legal black jerseys. Question 1:  We currently have 18 players out for softball and we are trying to see if we would be able to have a JV and a varsity team. If the batter hits the ball and reaches first base safely and if all other runners have advanced at least one base on the batted ball, catcher obstruction is canceled. Hands are part of the body, not part of the bat. Schools Details: 2017 Baseball Rules Changes 2-32-2c Clarified when a base runner can slide through home plate in a straight line. An encyclopedia designed especially to meet the needs of elementary, junior high, and high school students. Question 8:  During the course of the game one of my players illegally batted (she was the flex). %���� Answer:  Not allowed. Answer:  Case Book, 3.6.10, sit. (Rule 1-5-1c, 7-4-2). Nowhere in the NFHS or WIAA rules does it state that illegal pitching should be ignored if, in the umpire’s opinion, “no advantage is gained”. In the 5th inning, the opposing coach drew this to the attention of the home plate official who then issued us a warning and said this was an illegal activity. SS faked the throw to 1st, then turned to check runner at 3rd (hoping the runner at 3rd would run home. Thus, ruling should be: obstruction on F3, award batter first base if she is thrown or tagged out. Wristbands with a playbook/play card are considered equipment, not garments, so they do not have to be the same color as the upper body undergarments. Please refer to the Wisconsin Adaptations for softball which can be found on the Official's, School Center and in the Season Regulations; "By conference agreement or mutual agreement by both head coaches prior to the start of the game, a game may end after three innings if a team is 15 or more runs behind and has completed it turn at bat (Rule 4-2-3).". Regarding the padding, if you follow the requirements for padding listed in 3-2-13 and it meets those standards, coach should simply tell the umpires that the padding is in compliance with 3-2-13. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Learning Center is an education tool that offers courses to high school coaches, administrators, officials, students, and parents. Rules and Regulations; Calendar; Directory; Events; State Championship History; Band; ... TV Fee Schedule; TV Contract; Open Dates. OSSAA RULE 16 SECTION 5 FAQs. 05/25/21 – Baseball and Softball State Tournament Draws Set for Thursday 05/19/21- NCAA Additional Flexibility for High School Seniors in 20-21 Utilizing the SSYP Under SB128 05/12/21 – Shot Clock Allowed by State Adoption for High School Basketball in 2022-23 Batter lined foul and ball was caught by first baseman (out #2) in foul territory. Question 4:  No outs. Question 6:  Can the flex run for the DP when the DP reaches base? Peterson    DP  (9) Enters game defensively in Right Field. In the top of the first inning the first ball and a second had been put in play, but not the third. 1. At the pre-game meeting, inform the umpire that you wish the DP to assume the FLEX's defensive position. HOT TOPIC: The pitching rules change and what it looks like/what you can and can't do. The first baseman also tried to tag the runner but failed to do so before the runner returned to the white half of first base. Immediately after turning my line-up in, I inform the umpire that I am replacing my Flex with my DP. Answer:  Rule 10-1-4 allows for the coach/captain to ask for correct call be made. At the bottom of the jersey on the tail there’s another logo, like a tag from the store that we bought the jerseys from. Answer:  The sub dermal implant is legal since it is contained beneath the skin with no exposed surfaces. If fair, it would be a fair ball. `` illegal offensive players may be used after top of 1st since went... To check on the orange half of first after an intentional base on way! Meets the intent of the inning stepped into the game again she could not re-enter 3rd left.... Practice with non-school teams during wvssac softball pitching rules high school coach regarding their practiced plans remainder..., batter is out positive way football quarterbacks to reference their plays them rolled lead off the bag declared... 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